вторник, 24 февраля 2015 г.

In the wake of youth development

Hi, I'am Lena. The participant of SEE Fellowship of the working group 'Education And Youth'. I am 24 years. I am of the age category of "youth". In addition, this category is an object of my professional direction. Following my blog you will open with me interesting facts, learn about the differences between Russian and American cultures, their common features. We will observe and study youth in California, collaborate with  organizations which are working with this category. ....let's do it!
24 February. 
We are in San-Diego. And at least we started our great professional trip. Today our little but very friendly team visited «San Diego County Office Of Education». Yvonne, our supervisor and the host organization Global School Net arranged this meeting. The meeting with the professionals, the people who are directly connected with the development of the educational environment. All the participants were very welcoming, interested in our professional interests. Together we could identify what organizations we can visit to expand our knowledge and get new experiences. 

And of course California is a wonderful place to create, to have 'sunny' ideas and implement them!

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